How custom domain names are handled?
You add a primary domain name as part of the site activation process. You can also assign additional domain names to your website after activation is complete.
How is the Email Marketing handled?
We're using MailChimp with its extensive API capabilities. MailChimp is probably the most popular email marketing service with a powerful API that allowed us to repeat the BC's email marketing functionalities. MailChimp's free plan offers more features than BC ever did. Learn more about MailChimp:
Is WebinOne Open Source?
No it is not. WebinOne is a SaaS content management system hosted with Amazon Web Services on 6 data centers: USA (Oregon), USA (Virginia), UK (London), Australia (Sydney), EU (Germany) and Canada.
What about SSL?
SSL certificate is included into hosting on every plan. Every live site gets a free certificate (as part of the activation process) for each domain name assigned to the site. All SSL certificates on every WebinOne site are renewed every 3 months by WebinOne's administration team.
What technologies are used to build WebinOne?
Here are some technical insights on WebinOne from our developers:
- .NET 5
- Decentralized database for website instance (PostgreSQL Server)
- The admin interface is custom-built with Angular 6 + Angular Material and works with the backend through RESTful API
- Fastest Liquid library available on .Net is implemented for Liquid engine
- JSON query language is used to perform major module_data functionality
Where WebinOne sites are hosted?
All of WebinOne's websites are physically hosted on servers of Amazon Web Services - a leading secure cloud services platform. You have a choice of 6 data centers for every website you create in WebinOne: USA (Oregon), USA (Virginia), UK (London), Australia (Sydney), EU (Frankfurt) and Canada.
What support will I get?
We offer 24/7 admin support for all six data centers. Resellers support is available 12/5 through through WebinOne Portal (integrated ticketing system).
As a Partner or Agency level user you also get help from WebinOne Team directly in Slack.
WebinOne Forum has proven to be one of the best places to get help with WebinOne. It's free and you mostly get answers from fellow WebinOne users.